i've got two knitting projects-in-progress to share today - one is brand new, and the other has been through...well, let's just say a few incarnations since it was first on my needles. i'm talking about the most recent bloom tunic for maya that i've been working on since october! i originally intended to make this for maya for her traditional handknitted martinmas gift (nov 11) but, unfortunately, that date came and went. i had also begun knitting the top portion of this tunic in a single colorway (a definite deviation for me)...but quickly decided that it was just a little too plain. so i frogged it back quite a ways and included the additon of a second color that second time around (and thought i might finish it by christmas?). some weeks later, i was still unsatisfied with the color combination so i decided to pull out all of the remaining various colorways i had in this araucania toconao worsted merino yarn (which, by the way, is a lovely squishy multi-ply 100% merino - love it!)...and reknit the tunic once again, from the beginning, this time using all of the colorways together, randomly, in my own signature scrappy style. now i'm wondering why in the world i didn't just start it like that?? i'm much happier with this final version and should be completing it in the next few days - just in time as a new year's mid-winter no-reason-in-particular gift? :) now it's just a matter of quickly deciding which border i want to use!

the second project i have to share today is a new simple ribbed scarf that i'm making for wesley, using some lovely sundara silky merino in the most beautiful shade of variegated green (his favorite color). yes, it's true, i have a couple of other scarves for him that have long been in progress in my never-ending knitting queue...but i just couldn't resist this gorgeous yarn that was begging to be made into a quick colorful scarf just for him!

and, at last, a yarn stash update! all new araucania toconao worsted merino colorways (see notes on said colorways mentioned above):
araucania toconao multy, color 410...

araucania toconao multy, color 421...

araucania toconao solid, color 514...

araucania toconao solid, color 506...

what's in your knitting basket this week?