we enjoyed a lovely and relaxing spring break this last week - full of family and friends, beautiful weather and outside time and, of course...lots of knitting! i did, in fact, finish the matching dream in color baby bloom that i've been working on for maya's waldorf doll - and isn't it sweet? maya was quite thrilled to have a matching rainbow tunic for her little one. this darling doll version was included as a bonus in the purchase of my most recent favorite knitting pattern, georgie hallam's bloom. as with the other bloom's i have knit, i altered the pattern by omitting the lace work from the main body of the tunic (detailed ravelry notes here)...
also, last year, i found myself lacking in knitted items to sell at our waldorf school's annual winter faire...so this week i made a resolution - to knit at least one item each week during the year for this particular event. this way, i should have an abundance of items for this year's faire! and so to begin, i made this first little felted purse (with many more to follow) using my own felted iphone purse pattern...
lastly, maya knitted herself a sweet little rainbow bracelet/cuff - of her own design and doing, with no help from mama! she's quite the little knitter, isn't she?
happy monday to all!