maya :: december 09
for maya :: new books, a wee house for a wee gnome, an auris stir xylophone, a wee doll lyre, a felted rainbow jumprope, rainbow colored beeswax and a rainbow pencil...
house from germany, wee gnome from zooloo naturals...
a doll lyre from germany, made by mariengold...
a rainbow playscape silk, from palumba...
a castle, ostheimer knight and princess...
and lastly, this rocking board was recommended by maya's kindergarten teacher to strengthen her balance and overall coordination. it was made by a therapist and artist at the waldorf fellowship community in new york...
:: update on rockerboard info: after many inquiries on where and who we purchased our rocker board from, i received permission from the artist to share his contact info here. please direct all inquires to [email protected]. however, also please be aware that these boards are made by a small community of people and they often have difficulty keeping up with the demand for them! ::
maya has been playing on and with it constantly since she received it!