on this day, the one year anniversary of my very first post on my blogspot blog...i am happy to be moving here to my new home on typepad!
i've been considering the move for quite a while and the timing just felt right. it feels roomier and more organized over here, so i'm one happy mama. but have no worries, my friends. you can continue to access my blog here using the same web address as always - waldorfmama.com. and you will still be able to peruse through my old blog, in it's entirety, and all of my 08 blogspot posts by clicking on the archives/blogspot link above. actually this move will be of little significance to you. but, my oh my, to me...it's made a world of difference.
i'd like to take this time now to thank each and every one of you for your continued support during this first year. it's because of you that i am here. and i am so grateful.
i've also experienced the birth of some newly found creative energy as a result of this little move and i've got a ton of new ideas/plans in the works for the blog and my two shops! i've even got a little giveaway planned for tomorrow to commemorate the occasion. so welcome to my new space, take a look around, make yourself comfortable and stop by often! i'll be here.
yours in this new beginning,
p.s. please take a moment to visit my sponsor and make them feel welcome, too!